Domain & Hosting

  • Domain name
    Domain name selection plays greater role in creating proper character and image to the business and helps in attracting business which otherwise would be diverted somewhere else. Reserve your name , Good name means success in IT Industry. We give professional guidance and methodology in selecting winning name. Renew it annually.
  • Hosting
    Web site hosting is a service that provides the storage and connectivity necessary for a website, e-mail, and/or web-based databases.  If we design your site for you, or if you purchase web design software to build your small business Websites,  you will need a basic Web hosting plan to store your Web site files online.
  • What we will do for you
    We Provide 24/7 Hosting of your website Shared Hosting or Hosting on Separate Control Panel depending upon your needs. Our Host Servers, Data Center, and Network is setup with providing optimum results.